Enable Remote Powershell

I am looking to globally enable remote PowerShell so when I select Interactive Powershell I do not have to select the Yes button to enable remote PowerShell. I found the below link to enable winrm but this did not resolve the issue. Any insight would be appreciated.

Hi Grant,

Hope all is well! This article may be helpful for you: How to Enable PSRemoting (Locally and Remotely).

Please let us know the outcome.



Thank you that article is very similar to the one I found. I have those settings set and I am still getting the Enable PSRemoting popup. Is this expected behavior?

Thank you that article is very similar to the one I found. I have those settings set and I am still getting the Enable PSRemoting popup. Is this expected behavior?

Thank you for your patience. When you have a second, can you verify if you run this PowerShell command on a single device “Enable-PSRemoting” if you still get the prompt after when attempting to start a remote session using Right Click Tools?

Yes, I ran that command on a single device and still get the pop from starting a session via Right Click tools.

Thank you for verifying. Can you run please “Enable-PSRemoting” on another test device, and afterwards from a different machine, attempt to run "Enter-PSSession -Computername [ComputerYouJustEnabledPSRemoting] and verify if it comes back as enabled or not? If it does come back as enabled, can you check if you still get the prompt from RCT?

I get this error after running Enable-PSremoting

Have you verified if the WinRM service is running on that device by chance? This post may be helpful: windows - PowerShell: The client cannot connect to the destination specified in the request - Stack Overflow.

I followed the steps in that link and the message did not appear and worked as expected. How would I incorporate that into GP?

You could potentially incorporate this into GP with a logon script that runs a single time: How to Run GPO Logon Script Only Once? | Windows OS Hub. Alternatively, you could also run a script against your devices using Config Mgr’s built in scripts feature: Create and run scripts - Configuration Manager | Microsoft Learn.