Hello, we have updated the RCT tools on the site server (uninstalled the old version and installed the current ‘Right Click Tools-5.8.2501.1406-133813660008251992.msi’ from administrative CMD).
Now, we get the error ‘Enumerator failed to MoveNextAsync’ for every action in RCT – regardless of whether we want to save a RCT configuration or, for example, ping a device – we always get the error message mentioned.
Is this a known problem? Is there a solution?
We are currently running SCCM 2403.
Thanks in advance.
Can you grab the logs from %appdata%\Recast Software\Logs?
Have you tried to remove and reinstall RCT?
Of course, we have already tried uninstalling and then reinstalling - without success.
How can I send you the logs? I don’t see any option to attach a file except images.
You can email the support team and they will review the logs and get back to you.
I will do that. Thank you.