'Install Missing Software Updates' not working for Collection


I am not sure if I am the only one seeing this issue but when I highlight a collection or more then one devices and then choose Client Tools --> Install Missing Software Updates and then confirm I want to install the missing updates on these computers then RCT tells me the task was executed successfully but when I then log into the machine itself and check Software Center then the updates are still sitting there with an Available status and did not start installing. If I run ‘Install Missing Software Updates’ against a single machine then the updates start installing without a problem.

I am running SCCM 2012 R2 and RCT v2.5.6264.

Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you

The issue seems to be resolved in RCT v2.5.6269

2.5.6296 has been uploaded to the website to fix this bug. Thanks for testing the fix @Mc210274