Hi, regarding this option “Install Missing Updates”, what exactly does it do. If I run it, it just opens remote software center on the software updates page. For the machine i tested this on, it had 10 updates deployed to it according to the deployment tab for the properties of the device, but these don’t currently appear in software center which is why i ran it. I want it to install missing updates, not the available in software center updates. I’m guessing that is just a wording thing.
Should it install missing updates or is it just another way of saying open remote software center?
if it is, maybe that’s something you could look into, have an option that does something to encourage the installation of missing updates or maybe a window that brings up a list of the deployed updates according to the device properties, with more info (status) about each beside it. Maybe actions that can be run from there???
if I look under recast software in the assets area, and target a collection containing the one device I’m targeting and limited to deployed updates, under “missing updates by category”, it shows all the updates I was expecting to see for “install missing updates” so it appears you already have the ability, it just isn’t applied to the “install missing updates” component.
Hi, thankyou. That page pretty much says the same as what I said. The bit below is what I was talking about, I have added capitalized bits where information is missing from the note. It is in a yellow highlighted section on the page.
The Install Missing Software Updates tool is for installing update deployments that are available or required to a remote device AND VISIBLE IN SOFTWARE CENTER. Using this tool will not deploy the updates, merely install updates that have already been deployed. IT WILL ALSO NOT ALLOW INSTALLATION OF DEPLOYED UPDATES TILL THEY BECOME VISIBLE IN SOFTWARE CENTER.
It appears the portion you included from the documentation is correct. Install Missing Software Updates tool will indeed leverage updates it detects via deployment or updates that are required for a remote device. Please feel free to submit a features requesting regarding the changes you mentioned above Feature Requests. My apologies for any confusion!
Hi, i get quite a bit of variability, these two images for the same device show basically what I mean.
With some devices, I’ll see nothing in “install software updates” while in others, like the one in the images, i might get a couple of the ones that were deployed, but not all of them.