Looking for a report or to create one

Hello everyone,
i’m looking for a report or to create one to get al list of external devices which are connected to a a pc.
in particular serial port devices and what it is, and parallel devices and what it is.

or that would be nice a report which states all external devices connected to pc’s
so monitor, serial, parallel …
Does anyone know if such report is available or how to create?
thanks in advance

Hey there,

Hope all is well! Endpoint Insights might be helpful for you to get a better idea of what external devices are in your environment. Hardware Inventory Software Endpoint Insights - Recast Software

Example reports:

We don’t currently have a single report that would give you every external device all in a single report, but if you want to submit a feature request here: https://www.recastsoftware.com/feature-requests, we’d be happy to look into potentially building this out in the future for you.

