When I upgrade RCT, I’m not able to use any of the utilities, and when I click on the Recast Software tree on Assets and Compliance, it freezes for 20-25 seconds, and then the console exits.
Also tested on a different workstation that’s never had RCT and the ConfigMgr console installed, same issue. Last version I’m able to successfully use is 5.5.2406.1703 Have tried upgrading to the latest release on a monthly basis, but always end up rolling back to 5.5.2406, which works without issue.
Do you have HP MIG installed? Have you review the Recast logs %AppData%\Recast Software\Logs for any issues?
No to HP MIG. On my test workstation with the clean ConfigMgr Console and RCT installs, there is no folder listing for %AppData%\Recast Software
My guess is: It sound like you are seeing the Serilog.dll issue that others are seeing with HP MIK where that dll has been force to use the outdated version by something. e.g. putting the dll into the GAC.
Try this PowerShell script on this page. ConfigMgr Crashes After Right Click Tools | Recast Docs
wrong DLL listed.
Tested and this corrects the issue, however I don’t have a file named signalr.dll on my workstation (searched using Everything). Thoughts as to what other software it may be that’s causing the issue, other than HP MIG?
DLL name was a typo on my part and edit the post to get the right DLL. Serilog.dll
Sorry about that. still working on my second cup (now) this am.
Serilog.dll is a very common logging dll. Many project use it. The best bet is to search for that DLL and you “might” get an idea as to what is installing it.
I mean it could be Microsoft or HP or Dell or ???
Did a search for that DLL, and based on common software on the test workstation and my main workstation, it appears that Dell Command Update is the culprit.
Thanks for the help figuring the issue out.
Glad to help out. let me know if there is anything else.