RCT features missing after 5.1.2303.2308

Updated from 5.0.2302.2202 to 5.1.2303.2308 and now only Endpoint Insights shows up under “Recast Software”, and the only things available under context menus is “Recast Automations”.

I have tried completely removing RCT and reinstalling it without success.

Also, Console reports 5.1.2303.1503

This version appears to have either been pulled or renamed as 5.1.2303.1708 is what is available for download now.

Hey there,

If you remove Right Click Tools using Fix problems that block programs from being installed or removed - Microsoft Support and attempt to install the latest version available from https://portal.recastsoftware.com, do the issues resolve?



I was informed that 2303.2308 was pulled for issues and that 2303.1708 is the latest.

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