RCT version 4.6 crash

First I don’t like the account requirement! :unamused:
Your decision, whatever …

After closing the Sign in prompt I try to configure the RCT.
But nothing happens when I click “configure RCT” then after a few seconds the MEMCM console crash.

Uninstalling and removing all directories did not help.

Hi all, in the SCCM console when a try to use rct he open a authentication window, after login in the same window i receive the big green check with the message “licensing Successful!” then i click on the finish button and a new authentication windows re open.
i can’t use the RCT :cry:

thx to all

Hello! Thanks for your patience! We are working through some licensing issues in 4.6.2103. For now we’d recommend using 4.5.2102 until we get the issue fixed.

Thanks for the news, please let me know when the problem is fixed.


The new version 4.6.2103.5701 fixed the crash problem.
And thanks for removing the required account sign in!