Recast 3.0.6443 ReRun Deployment Not working


Rerunning a Deployment with Recast 3.0.6443 Clients Tools on Deployment at SCCM 1706 on a Windows 10 1703 clients is not working any more.
Pinging with recast is working, but every turned on system will be shown as “Nicht gefunden” (not found) in the SubText.
I have switched back to Version V2.5.6334 and everything is working again. Can you check this please?


Thanks for reporting this - I’ve uploaded a new MSI that I believe fixes the issue. Could you try downloading the new version (3.0.6452) to see if it fixes the problem for you?


I have checked the new version, unfortunately it doesn´t work.
But now I found a new problem, in the General settings i can´t use “Use IP Address Instead of Computer Name” and “Verify Computer Name in WMI”. After saving and reopening, the settings are unchecked, but if I Check “Use FQDN…”, saving and reopening the other 2 options are checked too. Now I can´t uncheck them until i uncheck “Use FQDN…” too. Its a little bit confusing, I hope you interstand the description.


3.0.6453 has been uploaded to fix the issues configuring Use IP and Verify via WMI. What type of deployment are you trying to rerun that is returning Not Found? I was able to reproduce this and tested the fix on a package / program deployment.

My problem is also a package / program deployment.
I have looked closer to the problem and found out, that not every deployment has this error.
Ich have tried to rerun the advertisement directly on one of the computers “not found” from the advertisement list.
The advertisement is not listed to select, some are shown, but not every advertisement the computer is member of, I don´t know why. I think that´s means the “not found” error.
Maybe this is more a problem in my SCCM infrastucture, I will keep looking.

After some testing it turned out, that rerun is not working with never run Advertisements and Applications with status “Unknown” or “Requirements not met”. We have changed to SCCM Build 1706 and I think with the older SCCM version I was able the force a rerun on unknown systems. Now you can´t see a associated program, when it never run before in the Rerun Advertisement menu or the Applications Menu of the Client Information. Is there any way to become back this feature?


The tools look inside of the client’s policy to determine which deployment to rerun. If the deployment isn’t found on a device, it returns a Not Found error. Basically, the client needs to know about a deployment before we rerun it since we’re just manipulating the ConfigMgr client to perform the action. Looking at the code, this looks like the same behavior as the older releases, though the error messages may have changed.