Recast Management Server Permission Roles Overview

Hi there,

I am new to the Recast Management Server, so please forgive me if this question is might be already asked.

Is there any overview about what are the hundrets of possible permission we can set in the Recast Roles for Users and Groups under Administration → Persmissions?

It’s a bit overwhelming how much choices we have.


Hi there Dennis,

I hope all is well. Our developers are currently in the process of creating this exact document. Unfortunately, I am unaware of the timeframe for releasing this documentation but I am aware it’s currently in the works. Once available you’d be able to access it here

Since you’re new to the Recast Management Server(RMS) I’d also recommend the Recast Academy, which includes a wonderful 60-minute course on RMS. Please let us know if you have any other questions!

Recast Academy: