Remote Software Center not allowing installs outside Maintenance Window

Our environment utilizes maintenance windows for software updates on machines that utilize Faronics Deep Freeze. Occassionally we need to install software outside of these windows and can do it by going into Software Center on the workstation and clicking install. I have tried to use remote software center to save several trips around the campus but clicking install does not seem to install the software if a maintenance window exists. It works fine on systems where there are no maintenance windows applied. Is this by design or am I missing a procedure?

Hi Jonathan,

Hope all is well! Starting an installation using Remote Software Center should override the maintenance window and kick off the installation right away. However, just to confirm, on a device where you’re unable to start an installation using Remote Software Center, if you open local Software Center on the same device and kick off the install, it starts and completes for you without issue? If so, can you collect debug logs and email and we can investigate further for you? Console Extension Debug Logs | Recast Docs

