Right click tools and LAPS / no domain elevated access to end user devices

I’m working in an environment which has right click tools installed on sccm. It’s not really a system I am familiar with. The reason for my post is i’ve had to deploy LAPS and also remove the domain elevated access to laptops/workstations via GPO/restricted groups. This includes domain admins group and a support group containing the desktop support admin accounts.

The team have now told me that right click tools no longer work as they run in the context of the user account running the sccm console and these accounts no longer have admin rights on the workstations. Is there a workaround for this?

Hey there,

Hope all is well! In order for the tools to work in a standalone configuration by default RCT requires local admin on the devices, remote registry, and remote wmi. With an enterprise license you can get around these requirements by deploying Recast Agents which will execute the actions using the local system account. You could also potentially run the actions using a service account with elevated permissions using Recast Proxy. Both would require a Recast Management Server to be configured.

More information about Recast Management Server: Install Right Click Tools Enterprise with | Recast Docs

More information about agents: Install Recast Agents | Recast Docs

More information about proxy: Install Recast Proxy Separately | Recast Docs

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or would like to talk with someone more about enterprise licensing.

