"Send Notifications" as a deployment?


Is it possible to tie the “Send Notifications” utility to be part of a deployment?

Example - Install Adobe Reader on 5,000 endpoints:


  1. Deploy Update package to endpoints
    a. Administrator selects their devices in MECM > Launches “Send
    b. Package installs on endpoints.

Endpoints may or may not receive notification before install starts.


  1. Deploy package to Endpoints
    a. Package generates a Toast using the RCT Send
    Notifications tool
    b. Package installs Adobe Reader.

Having it be part of a package to notify end users as part of the install process instead of firing independently with an administrator interaction.

Or the ability to call Send Notifications from PowerShell or CMD to invoke against an endpoint?

Hi Nathan,

Hope all is well! We would be happy to look into adding this functionality for you. When you have a second, would you be able to submit a feature request for this in https://ideas.recastsoftware.com/ by chance?

In the meantime, this module may be helpful to you for sending toast notifications via PowerShell. GitHub - Windos/BurntToast: Module for creating and displaying Toast Notifications on Microsoft Windows 10.



Couldn’t you do this with Builder actions?

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Holy smokes, I never noticed that - You can indeed do it with the Builder.

I’ll play around with that, thank you.

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