Silent install switches

I’m trying to script an install of the enterprise stand-alone version of right click tools to after the SCCM console installs. I’m looking for the switches to run the install silently and point to the exported certificate. Am I just not seeing this in the documentation or am I hoping for too much? Thanks for any help with this.

We don’t have documentation for importing the certificate, but if use a batch file you should be able to use certutil to import the certificate.

certutil -addstore "Root" "%~dp0recast.cer"
msiexec /i "%~dp0RecastRCT.msi" RCTENTERPRISESERVER=https://<yourServerFqdn:444/mobiletoolsenterprise.svc /qn

Chris, thanks for the reply. We’re not using an enterprise server, just running the tool as enterprise standalone. What I’m interested in is pointing the installer to the export.license that gets generated through the portal to license users.

For the license file, you can setup a script to copy it to C:\ProgramData\Recast Software\Licenses.

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I found that the export.license file from the portal didn’t work in ProgramData but entering the #####-###-### (etc.).bin file obtained via the Configure ReCast RCT app does work when copied. Thanks for the suggestion!

If the .license file did not work, but a .bin file did, you must be using an older unsupported version of Right Click Tools. I’d suggest downloading the latest when you have some time. You’ll find many more features that you have now as the .bin license file has not been used since 3.1 and earlier.

We’re using 4.0.7230.35407.

I added the following to my MSI parameters and it worked perfectly! RCTENTERPRISESERVER=https://yoururlpath:444 LICENSEPATH=.\yourlicense.license /qn

Place the .license file in the same root directory as the .msi file and throw .\ before it to set the directory path to present.