Tools don't seem to function

Hi I am new to the right click tools. Installed them yesterday on my SCCM 2012 server. When I right click on a device and choose from the tools I get messages that the task was successful but nothing ever actually happens on the client. For example right click on a machine and choose to restart it and a message pops up on the screen that the machine has been successfully restarted but it never actually restarts

The shutdown tool behaves differently depending on what you’ve selected. If you tell the tool to skip a restart if a user is logged in, it will check if any explorer.exe processes are running and skip the restart if they are. If you tell it to give the user a prompt, it will show a dialog box to every logged in user with an option to cancel the shutdown or restart. If you tell it to restart even if a user is logged in, the machine should restart after the timeout specified. If you’re using this method, you can test a restart by running the following command from an elevated command prompt, replacing computername with the machine that you’re trying to restart:

shutdown.exe /r /m \\computername /t 30

Give that command a try and let me know what the output is.

I am having a similar issue except nothing happens when I click on one of the menu options. For example, I am trying to use the schedule reboot option but when I click on Schedule Restart or Shutdown nothing happens. I don’t get any errors or dialogs of any kind. Is there an error log somewhere that I could look at?

I am having a similar issue with scheduled reboot/shutdown I can see that the schedule is setup on the client machine and the task runs, but nothing happens on the client, I am using the “Give user a prompt to cancel” option although when i do not use this option and select to just restart/Shutdown it works.
I have checked and ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.exe is on the client machine the task seems to be configured correctly on the client, just nothing happens.
Please help.

We just released a new version of the Recast tools - give them a try to see if they help:

Also, if you manually run the scheduled task, does anything happen on the client?

Hello. I am also new to Now Micro RCT. I have installed the tools, but when I open SCCM 2012, the tools are not present when I right-click on a collection or client. Is there something additional that needs to be done?

This sounds like it might not have found the ConfigMgr console install path correctly at install time. Could you try running this PowerShell script and let me know what the result is?

$ConfigInstallPath = $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH | Out-String
$ConfigInstallPath = $ConfigInstallPath -replace "\\bin\\i386", ""
If ($ConfigInstallPath.Length -lt 2) {
	$ConfigInstallPath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\ConfigMgr10\Setup").'UI Installation Directory'
	If ($ConfigInstallPath.Length -lt 2) {
		$ConfigInstallPath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ConfigMgr10\Setup").'UI Installation Directory'
		If ($ConfigInstallPath.Length -lt 2) {
			$ConfigInstallPath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\SMS\Setup").'UI Installation Directory'
			If ($ConfigInstallPath.Length -lt 2) {
				(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Setup").'UI Installation Directory'

if ($ConfigInstallPath.Endswith("\")) {$ConfigInstallPath = $ConfigInstallPath.Substring(0,$ConfigInstallPath.Length -1)}


I have the same problem as mcdonald2899 above. The tools are not present for me either. I have successfully used them in the past. However, I just upgraded my workstation to Windows 10 LTSB Ent. and am unable to get the tools working now.

When I run the Powershell script above, the result I get is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole

Can you help?

Same issue here, actually I´m unable to see any additional right click menus.

Windows 10 and my console is installed on C:\ConfigMgrConsole.

You can see it by the shell scripts result:

PS C:\Windows\system32> $ConfigInstallPath = $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH | Out-String
$ConfigInstallPath = $ConfigInstallPath -replace “\bin\i386”, “”
If ($ConfigInstallPath.Length -lt 2) {
$ConfigInstallPath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path “HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\ConfigMgr10\Setup”).‘UI Installation Directory’
If ($ConfigInstallPath.Length -lt 2) {
$ConfigInstallPath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path “HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ConfigMgr10\Setup”).‘UI Installation Directory’
If ($ConfigInstallPath.Length -lt 2) {
$ConfigInstallPath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path “HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\SMS\Setup”).‘UI Installation Directory’
If ($ConfigInstallPath.Length -lt 2) {
(Get-ItemProperty -Path “HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Setup”).‘UI Installation Directory’

if ($ConfigInstallPath.Endswith("")) {$ConfigInstallPath = $ConfigInstallPath.Substring(0,$ConfigInstallPath.Length -1)}


PWR Shell script sees “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager Console\AdminUI” as the location.

Do you have the Actions folder under C:\Program Files (x86)\Now Micro\Right Click Tools?

Yes. The folder exists.

If you copy the contents of that folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\XmlStorage\Extensions\Actions, the tools should start showing up.

I do not have the “Actions” folder under C:\Program Files (x86)\Now Micro\Right Click Tools. I do have a “Default Menus” folder, a “PSModule” folder, and a number of files including a lot of PowerShell scripts under C:\Program Files (x86)\Now Micro\Right Click Tools. What should I do?

Try running install.ps1 in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Now Micro\Right Click Tools folder.

Forgive me for bumping an old thread. I have been using the tools since 2012 R2 was released and it has been great until I decided to updated to the newer versions.

For months now, when I select a user, then User Devices, a result window pops-up but no result is shown. This is one of the tools I use almost daily to locate possible AD account lockouts as I can see when the user last logged on to the PCs listed so it makes troubleshooting so much easier.

Chrism, do you by any chance have any pointers for me where to start? I have the latest version 2.5.6163 installed. I have Actions folder inside the RCT folder. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Hey Chris – thanks for responding to me via email. That MSI did not work. It installs just fine after I uninstalled the previous version. However, I cannot even rightclick inside of the SCCM console. I can see that the console is refreshing for over 30 mins now and I just can’t right-click any longer.

Any ideas?

Could you send the logs under C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\RecastRCT\Logs to
Could you also try ending any running “Right Click Tools Desktop.exe” processes and restarting your ConfigMgr console?

Sent. I was able to kill the RCT process.and after launching the SCCM console, I still did not have any devices in any user devices that I looked up.

Thanks for sending the logs. I didn’t see any errors, which probably means that the query itself is not returning results. Could you try running the following PowerShell and let me know what the results are? Be sure to change the $server, $siteCode, and $userResourceId variables to match your environment.

$server = "configmgr"
$siteCode = "PS1"
$userResourceId = "2063617642"

$query = "Select * from SMS_G_System_SYSTEM_CONSOLE_USER inner join SMS_R_System on SMS_R_System.ResourceID = SMS_G_System_SYSTEM_CONSOLE_USER.ResourceID JOIN SMS_R_User ON SMS_G_System_SYSTEM_CONSOLE_USER.SystemConsoleUser = SMS_R_User.UniqueUserName where SMS_R_User.ResourceID like '$userResourceId'"
Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $server -Namespace root\sms\site_$siteCode -Query $query