What perm(s) do we need to grant for ServiceNow


RCT 5.0.2302.1703. All clients have been updated

I have created a role for our client engineering team and granted them every right but the Administration node. When they try to open a device in Service Now they get a Insufficient Recast Permissions error. Me and my fellow admin can open it just fine.

I granted them all the perms under the Administration node and they can see it. But when I look into the individual perms I see nothing that is related to ServiceNow. When I took away the permissions for the Administration node the error comes back. Can you tell me which permission they need? Our Service Desk and the support teams will want that capability, but I can’t grant them all the perms under Administration.

They have all the perms under the ServiceNow node

Hi there,

Can you grant them the following permissions and let us know if they’re able to access the Service Now action after?

Administration GetAllSettings
Administration GetActionExecutionGroup
Administration GetActiveDirectoryServiceConnection
Administration GetMemcmServiceConnection



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