Hi all, I downloaded the Right Click Tools community edition to integrate into our SCCM.
Unfortunately I have problems with the WOL, in the sense that, despite having configured the port and disabled the unicast,when I try to turn on the machine, the port displayed is always 0 and not 1792 as per our configuration.
I created an account and logged into your portal (https://portal.recastsoftware.com), and downloaded version 3.2, which unfortunately
it works intermittently, once the port is displayed, and the machine turns on, other times the port is 0 and the pc doesn’t turn on.
Same beahviour on th version 5 recentoly released
I’m using Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager ver. 2207 on windows 2022 servers.
Any idea?
Does version 5.3.2312.503 solve the issue where the wol packet always goes to Port 0 when waking up a single computer? Waking up a Collection uses the correct port that you set in the Recast Configuration but not for a single computer.
After testing the WOL tool in Configuration Manager while on 5.3.2312.503, I was unable to replicate the issue. Can you enable console debugging, then replicate the issue with WOL and send the two logs listed below to support@recastsoftware.com:
Right Click Tools
Console Extension Debug Logs
Here is how you can gather the logs:
Logs for Right Click Tools | Recast Docs (recastsoftware.com)