Pre-Configure In-Console Extension to point to Recast Server/Proxy

Is there a way to pre-config settings for In-Console RCT?
Currently, the extension installs flawlessly, but requires the admin to provide recast server url. I was wondering if there is a way to pre-configure (at least the server) without having to do it manually using the “Configure Recast” button in the console. This is mainly an ask of other people who use RCT in the org.

Came by this post while installing RCT thru Community Hub.

I haven’t found anything in the MS Doc for Console Extensions that allows for Post install configs, so to me the only real way right now to do this would be to repackage the extension and re-import it as something homegrown, which doesn’t bode well with me.

Hi there! Updating this registry key will connect Right Click Tools to your Recast Management Server.

I am very glad it’s this simple.
Going to setup a configuration baseline to set it on their devices if they have it installed.


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